...and to be sure not all who are sedentary are found.
If you've ever been utterly lost and known you were right where you were supposed to be, if you didn't know what you were eating just that it was delicious. If the idea of wives circles and mortgages give you the spins and not the good kind you get from drinking wine from the bottle then I'm writing to you.
The idea that bigger is better makes me sad, it makes me feel like our world is losing it's soul. We don't question why we need all the things we think we need, more square footage, more toys, more credit, we just want it, it's what we're supposed to want. I want loud, disorganized medinas. I want to walk on uneven streets at 4:30am. I want to measure my life and my accomplishments on the lives I've touched, what I've done for others not just for myself. The nights I've sat and laughed over bottles and bottles of cheap wine with good friends. I want to be a citizen of our world not just of a country, state or town.
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