Thursday, February 11, 2010

Passports for the unborn

In about 4 months a baby just new to the this world will be finding the need for a passport into another world. She'll be brand new to living and breathing but at less than 3 months old she'll experience something that most the people of our country and for that matter our world will never know, international travel. Some people go their whole lives without the need of a passport. For one reason or another they don't leave, many say they want to, they watch their friends come and go wishing that it was them. I've heard many excuses, finances, children, time. One thing is for certain that of all the people I know that do go these excuses were overcome. Fear. I believe it's fear that is the number one reason people don't go. I'm thankful that I will not be giving my daughter that excuse to not experience her world. She will have been an international traveler from day 1, or rather day 60. She'll never have the experience of having to apply for a passport, just having to renew them.

It's a handful of paperwork and just over $100. I think it's a small price to pay to become a citizen of our world. It was the best gift my mother ever gave me, I hope Maya will agree.


  1. Baby passports! How often does she have to change her picture?

  2. Every 5 years, as if she's going to look the same. It's pretty cool though, I love it. I do have to say that the new fangled passports have patriotic quotes on every page and a picture of somewhere in the states and it's kind of kitchy. However I love that the first stamp page is of Arizona.
